
The SPC Milestone plugin allows you to access your intrusion detectors zones and other elements from with the Milestone graphical interface. The plugin allows for the addition of multiple SPC systems. We currently license the plugin in blocks of 5 or 20 SPC units, however if you require more then this can be addressed.

The plugin is very simple as you can see in the videos below once configure the detectors, doors, areas and outputs can be added to the maps in Milestone. From the map, you can control individual elements and perform actions on them.

The latest enhancements allow you to use an SPC event to trigger actions on SPC and also you can perform actions on SPC based on events in Milestone. The zones, doors and areas will also now show the live status of the element.

For any customers who need to visualize their system, this is a very powerful solution where we are already seeing some very interesting solutions.

If you would like to know more please view the video below or download the plugin to start a no-obligation free trial.



Alarm Management

The operator will have the ability to control areas set and unsetting the system
from within the Milestone front end. The operator will also be able to control
zones, outputs and doors on the SPC system. The system can be configured
so that the graphical interface can be used to control all of these elements

Events Triggering (bi-directional)

The plugin will allow you to trigger events on the milestone system based
on events from the SPC system. You will also be able to trigger actions on
the SPC based on events the milestone system. Should the milestone system
detect a fault it can now trigger the SPC to perform an action.

Secure IP Communications

Using the SPC FlexC® communications protocol the installer uses a common
setup to configure the communications and has the peace of mind that
communicates are secure and reliable.

SPC Milestone Plugin

The SPC Milestone plugin allows users to trigger off events and control SPC systems from within the Milestone system. When installed, the plugin allows for a 30-day trial for up to two panels and will allow the display of areas, zones, doors and outputs from the SPC system. The plugin uses FlexC to communicate with the panel and when a license is purchased from Vanderbilt it will support up to 20 SPC systems. The license also provides customers with one year support and availability to updates.


Where to buy

In order to use this plugin, you must have a Vanderbilt SPC intrusion System. To find where you can obtain an SPC system Click here

For more information on SPC please visit Acre Security here


SPC Milestone Plugin Installer Manual

Direct Download Link

To download the SPC Milestone 2020R1 Patch, click on the link below.

This patch is required when upgrading to Milestone Versions 2020R1 and above.

After downloading the patch, unzip the file directly into the same location as the existing SPC Plugin files. You will be prompted to overwrite the original file. Select yes to this.

Download here


Download SPC Milestone Plugin V10

This download includes a 30 trial of the SPC plugin, configuration manuals and ordering information. Click below.

Milestone Plugin V10


If you have any questions about the Milestone Plugin for SPC or the SPC intrusion system please let us know by contacting us.