The SPC system provides a range of output types, the logic of these types can be selected by system or area, any output type can be assigned to any physical output on the SPC system. This guide is intended to provide you with an overview of the output types available, the operation of the type.
Output Type | Description |
External Bell | This output type is used to activate the system external bell and is active when any Area External Bell is active. By default, this output is assigned to the first output on the controller board (EXT+, EXT-).
Note: An external bell output is automatically activated whenever a zone programmed as an Alarm zone triggers an alarm in Fullset or Partset modes. |
External Bell Strobe | This output type is used to activate the strobe on the system external bell and is active when any area strobe is active. By default, this output is assigned to the strobe relay output (Output 3) on the Controller board (NO, COM, NC).
Note: An external bell strobe output is automatically activated whenever a zone programmed as an alarm zone triggers an alarm in Fullset or Partset modes. The external bell strobe activates on a ’Fail to Set’ condition if the strobe on the ’Fail to Set’ option is checked in system options. |
Internal Bell | This output type is used to activate the internal bell and is active when any area Internal Bell is active. By default, this output is assigned to the second output on the controller board (INT+, INT-).
Note: An internal bell output is automatically activated whenever a zone programmed as an Alarm zone type triggers an alarm in Fullset or Partset modes. The internal Bell activates on a ’Fail to Set’ condition if the Bell on the ’Fail to Set’ option is checked in system options. |
Alarm | This output turns on following alarm zone activation on the system or from any area defined on the system. |
Alarm Confirmed | This output turns on when an alarm has been confirmed. An alarm is confirmed when 2 independent zones on the system (or within the same Area) activate within a set time period). |
Panic* | This output turns on following activation of panic alarm zone types from any area. A panic alarm output is also generated if a user duress event is generated or if the panic option for the keypad is enabled. |
Hold-up | This output turns on whenever a zone programmed as a Hold-up type zone triggers an alarm from any area. |
Fire | This output turns on following a fire zone activation on the system (or from any area). |
Tamper | This output turns on when a tamper condition is detected from any part of the system.
For a grade 3 system, if communication is lost to an XBUS device for greater than 100s, a tamper is generated and SIA and CIR reported events will send a tamper. |
Medical | This output turns on when a medic zone is activated. |
Fault | This output turns on when a technical fault is detected. |
Technical | This output follows tech zone activity. |
Mains Fault* | This output activates when Mains power is removed. |
Battery Fault* | This output activates when there is a problem with the backup battery. If the battery voltage drops below 11V this output activates. The ’Restore’ option for this fault is only presented when the voltage level rises to above 11.8V. |
Partset A | This output is activated if the system or any area defined on the system is in Partset A mode. |
Partset B | This output is activated if the system or any area defined on the system is in Partset B mode. |
Fullset | This output is activated if the system is in Fullset mode. |
Fail to set | This output activates if the system or any area defined on the system failed to set; it clears when the alert is restored. |
Entry/Exit | This output activates if an Entry/Exit type zone has been activated; that is, a system or area Entry or Exit timer is running. |
Latch | This output turns on as defined in the system latch output configuration (see Configuring system latch and auto set outputs).
This output can be used to reset latching sensors as smoke or inertia sensors. |
Fire Exit | This output turns ON if any Fire-X zones on the system are activated. |
Chime | This output turns on momentarily when any zone on the system with chime attribute opens. |
Smoke | This output turns on momentarily( 3 seconds) when a user unsets the system; it can be used to reset smoke detectors.
The output will also activate when the zone is restored. When using the zone to reset latched smoke detectors the first code entry will not activate the smoke output but will silence bells, on the next code entry if the fire zone is in the open state the smoke output will activate momentarily. This process is repeatable until the fire zone is closed. |
Walk Test* | This output turns on momentarily when a walk test is operational and a zone becomes active. This output can be used, for example, to activate functional tests of connected detectors (if available). |
Auto Set | This output turns on if the Auto Set feature has been activated on the system. |
User Duress | This output turns on if a user duress state has been activated (PIN code + 1 has been entered on the keypad). |
PIR Masked | This output turns on if there are any masked PIR zones on the system. It generates a fault output on the keypad led.
This output is latched so it will remain active until restored by a level 2 user. PIR Masking is logged by default. The number of log entries do not exceed 8 between arming periods. |
Zone Omitted | This output turns on if there are any inhibited, isolated, or walk test zones on the system. |
Fail to Communicate | This output turns on if there is a failure to communicate to the central station. |
Man Down Test | This output turns on a ‘Man Down’ wireless device which is activated during a ‘Man Down’ test. |
Unset | This output is activated if the system is in Unset mode. |
Alarm Abort | This output activates if an alarm abort event occurs, that is, when a valid user code is entered via the keypad after a confirmed or unconfirmed alarm. It is used, for example, with external dialers (SIA, CID, FF). |
Seismic Test | This output is used to activate a manual or automatic test on a seismic zone. Seismic sensors have a small vibrator that will be attached to the same wall as the sensor and is wired to an output on the panel or one of its expanders. During the test, the panel waits up to 30 seconds for the seismic zone to open. If it does not open, the test fails. If it opens within 30 seconds the panel then waits for the zone to close within 10 seconds. If that doesn’t happen, the test fails. The panel then waits a further 2 seconds before reporting the test result. The result of the test, either manual or automatic, is stored in the system event log. |
Local Alarm | This output activates on a local intrusion alarm. |
RF Output | This output activates when a Fob or WPA button is pressed. |
Modem 1 Line Fault | This output activates when there is a line fault on the primary modem. |
Modem 1 Failure | This output activates when the primary modem fails. |
Modem 2 Line Fault | This output activates when there is a line fault on the secondary modem. |
Modem 2 Failure | This output activates when the secondary modem fails. |
Battery Low | This output activates when the battery is low. |
Entry Status | This output activates if an ‘All Okay’ entry procedure is implemented and there is no alarm generated, that is, the ‘All Okay’ button is pressed within the configured time after the user code is entered. |
Warning Status | This output activates if an ‘All Okay’ entry procedure is implemented and a silent alarm generated, that is, the ‘All Okay’ button is not pressed within the configured time after the user code is entered. |
Ready to Set | This output activates when an area is ready to set. |
Setting ACK | This output signals the setting status. The output toggles for 3 seconds to signal that the setting has failed. The output remains on for 3 seconds if setting is successful. |
Fullset Done | This output activates for 3 seconds to signal that the system has been fullest. |
Blockschloss 1 | Used for normal Blockschloss devices.
When all zones in an area are closed, and there are no pending faults, the ‘Blockschloss 1‘ output is activated. If the lock on the Blockschloss is closed, a ‘Keyarm‘ input is activated, the relevant area is set and the ‘Setting Ack‘ output is activated for 3 seconds to signal that the setting was successful. ‘Blockschloss 1‘ is not deactivated. If the Blockschloss is unlocked, the Blockschloss device deactivates the Keyarm input to the unset state (closed) and the area is unset. ‘Blockschloss 1‘ is then deactivated. |
Blockschloss 2 | Used for Blockschloss device type - Bosch Blockschloss, Sigmalock Plus, E4.03.
When all zones in an area are closed, and there are no pending faults, the ‘Blockschloss 2‘ output is activated. If the lock on the Blockschloss is closed, a ‘Keyarm‘ input is activated, the relevant area is set and the ‘Setting Ack‘ output is activated for 3 seconds to signal that the setting was successful. ‘Blockschloss 2‘ is then deactivated. If the Blockschloss is unlocked, the Keyarm zone is switched to unset (closed) and the area is unset. ‘Blockschloss 2‘ is activated (if area is ready to set). |
Lock Element | Activates if the Lock Element is in the ‘locked‘ position. |
Unlock Element | Activates if the Lock Element is in the ‘unlocked‘ position. |
Code Tamper | Activates if there is a code tamper in the area. Clears when state is reset. |
Trouble | Activates if any zone is in trouble state. |
Ethernet Link | Activates if there is a fault on the Ethernet link. |
Network Fault | Activates if there is an EDP communications fault. |
Glass Reset | Used to switch on the power for the glassbreak interface module and to remove power in order to reset the device. The output is reset if a user enters their code, the zone is not in the closed state, and the bells deactivated. |
Confirmed holdup | Activates in the following scenarios for PD6662 compliance:
Configuring system latch and auto set outputs
You can change the operation of these outputs via the web page by selecting Settings, options and Output Policy,
Under Policy, click the Edit button for the Output Configuration option in System Options.
For the Latch output , Select the condition under which the latch output is activated:
Entry Time | Output turns on at the end of Exit time and off at the beginning of Entry time. |
Fire Exit | Output turns on if any fire exit zones are active. |
Unset | Output turns on if any user unsets system momentary |
Alarm Reset | Output turns on if an alarm is reset momentary. |
Resetting Alarm | Output turns on during a setting procedure if glass break/smoke open and not in alarm. |
Engineer Exit | Output turns on when an engineer exits from Engineer mode momentary. |
Keypad Valid PIN | Output turns on when valid user PIN entered on keypad and fire zone is active |

Auto arm output
For the Auto arm output, Select the behavior of the output.
On Output will remain on if the auto set is active.
Keypad Output will follow keypad operation.
Progressive Output will give progressive warning of the auto set.
Pulse Time Select the duration that the auto set output will remain active when pulsed
Useful Tip
When the SPC is in full engineer mode all outputs are disabled, this is done to avoid a false activation. When a system is full commissioned you may wish to avoid this operation. You may do so via the web page by selecting configuration -> options and selecting the option Outputs in Eng Mode
If selected, the following are not deactivated in Full Engineer mode:
- Controller outputs
- Expander outputs
- Indicator LEDs
- Keyswitch LEDs