Zone Type | Processing Category | Description |
ALARM | Intruder | This zone type is the default zone type setting and is also the most frequently used zone type for standard installations.
An Open, Disconnected, or Tamper activation in any mode (except unset) causes an immediate full alarm. |
ENTRY/EXIT | Intruder | This zone type should be assigned to all zones on an entry/exit route (for example, a front door or other access areas to the building or premises). This zone type provides an entry and exit time delay.
The entry timer controls this delay. When the system is being full set, this zone type provides an exit delay allowing time to vacate an area. The exit timer controls this delay. In Partset A mode, this zone type is inactive. |
EXIT TERMINATOR | Intruder | This zone type is used in conjunction with a push button on an exit route and acts as an exit terminator – that is, it provides an infinite exit delay period and will not allow the system to set until the button is pressed. |
FIRE | Hold-up | Fire zones are 24-hour zones for fire monitoring and their response is independent of panel operating mode. When any fire zone opens, a full alarm is generated and the FIRE output type is activated. If the ‘Report only’ attribute is set then activation will only be reported to the central station and a Full Alarm will not be generated. |
FIRE EXIT | Hold-up | This is a special type of 24-hour zone for use with fire exit doors that should never be opened. In Unset mode, an activation of this zone will trip the Fire-X output, causing alert messages. |
LINE | Fault | Telemetry line monitoring input. This is usually used in conjunction with a telephone line health output from an external digital dialer or direct line communication system. When activated, it produces a local alarm in Unset mode and a full alarm in all other modes. |
PANIC ALARM | Hold-up | This zone type is active on a 24-hour basis and activated via a panic button. When a Panic zone is activated it will report a Panic event, independent of panel arming mode. All activation’s are logged and reported if log attribute is active. If the SILENT attribute is set then the alarm will be silent (Activation is reported to ARC), otherwise it will generate a Full alarm. |
HOLD-UP ALARM | Hold-up | This zone type is active on a 24-hour basis and activated via a button. When a Hold-up zone is activated it will report a Hold-up event, independent of panel arming mode. The SILENT attribute is set by default, therefore, the alarm will be silent. If unset, it will generate a full alarm. All activations are logged and reported if log attribute is active. |
TAMPER | Tamper | When open in the Unset mode, a Local Alarm is generated but no external bell will activate. If the system is Full Set, a Full alarm is generated. If the Security Grade of the system is set to Grade 3 then an engineering code is required to restore the alarm. |
TECHNICAL | Intruder | The tech zone controls a dedicated tech zone output. When a tech zone changes state, the tech zone output will follow. That is:
If more than one tech zone has been assigned, the tech zone output will remain on until all tech zones are closed. |
MEDICAL | Hold-up | This zone type is used in conjunction with radio or hardwired medical switches.
Activation in any mode will:
KEYARM | Intruder | This zone type is normally used in conjunction with a key lock mechanism.
A Keyarm can be configured to perform the following Setting Options:
A Keyarm zone will SET the System/Area/Common Areas according to the selected Setting Option when it is OPENED and will UNSET the System/Area/Common Areas according to the selected Setting Option when it is CLOSED.
Keyarming will force set the system/area and auto-inhibit any open zones or fault conditions. Note: Your system will not comply with EN standards if you enable this zone type to set the system without first entering a valid PIN on an external device. |
SHUNT | Intruder | This zone type is only available in Commercial Mode of operation. Though the Shunt Alarm Zone type can be set in Domestic Mode of operation, it has no effect.
This zone type when opened inhibits all zones that have the shunt attribute set. This operation applies for both SET and UNSET modes. As soon as the shunt zone is closed, the zones with the shunt attribute set will become un-inhibited again. |
X-SHUNT | Intruder | This zone type is only available in Commercial Mode of operation.
A zone programmed with the x-shunt zone type inhibits the next consecutive zone on the system whenever it is opened. This operation applies for both SET and UNSET modes. As soon as the x-shunt zone type is closed the next zone becomes de-inhibited again. |
DETECTOR FAULT | Fault | Detector Fault zones are 24 hour zones that are applicable to a detector device, for example, a PIR. The fault zone type triggers the Fault output.
When the system is armed, a fault output is triggered. Both the keypad LED and the buzzer are activated when Unarmed. |
LOCK SUPERVISION | Intruder | Only available in Commercial mode.
Used to monitor a door lock. System can be programmed not to set unless door is locked. |
SEISMIC | Intruder | Only available if the panel is in Financial mode of operation. Vibration sensors, also called seismic sensors, are used to detect intrusion attempts by mechanical means, such as drilling or making holes through walls or safes. |
ALL OKAY | Intruder | This zone type enables a special entry procedure to be implemented using a user code and ‘All Okay’ input. A silent alarm is generated if an All Okay button is not pressed within a configurable time after a user code is entered. (See Adding/Editing an area for details of ‘All Okay’ configuration.)
All Okay uses two outputs, Entry Status (Green LED) and Warning Status (Red LED), to indicate entry status using LEDs on the keypad. |
UNUSED | Intruder | Allows a zone to be disabled without the need for each zone to have EOL resistors fitted. Any activation on the zone will be ignored. |
HOLDUP FAULT | Fault | Holdup Fault zones are 24 hour zones that are applicable to a holdup signaling device, for example, a WPA. The fault zone type triggers the Fault output.
When the system is armed, a fault output is triggered. Both the keypad LED and the buzzer are activated when Unarmed. This zone type will report the SIA messages, HT (Holdup Trouble) and HJ (Holdup Trouble Restore) and for CID, a sensor trouble event (380) is produced. |
WARNING FAULT | Fault | Warning Fault zones are 24 hour zones that are applicable to a warning signaling device, for example, an internal or external bell. The fault zone type triggers the Fault output.
When the system is armed, a fault output is triggered. Both the keypad LED and the buzzer are activated when Unarmed. This zone type will report the SIA messages, YA (Bell Fault) and YH (Bell Restore) and for CID, a sensor trouble event (380) is produced. Note: On a grade 2 system, a cable fault will cause a fault and not an alarm. |
SETTING AUTHORISATION. | Intruder | Applicable to Blockschloss operation. This zone type is used to send a setting authorisation signal to the panel that the Blockschloss is ready to set. The Set option must be selected for the ‘Setting Authorisation‘ attribute for the area |
LOCK ELEMENT | Intruder | If using a Lock Element (bolt) with a Blockschloss, this zone type signals the position of the lock element to the panel (locked or unlocked). This bolt locks the door in the set state. This signal is checked during setting process. If the ‘locked‘ information is not received, the setting will fail. |
GLASSBREAK | Intruder | Zone is connected to an RI S 10 D-RS-LED glassbreak interface in combination with GB2001 glassbreak detectors.
WATER | This zone type follows the same behaviours as a Technical zone type. | |
HEAT | This zone type follows the same behaviours as a Technical zone type. | |
FRIDGE/FREEZER | This zone type follows the same behaviours as a Technical zone type. | |
GAS | This zone type follows the same behaviours as a Technical zone type. | |
SPRINKLER | This zone type follows the same behaviours as a Technical zone type. | |
CO | This zone type follows the same behaviours as a Technical zone type. | |
ENTRY/EXIT 2 | This zone type follows the same behaviours as an Entry/Exit zone type with a separate Entry timer. This is so that there can be two entry timers to a building from different points. |
The zone attributes on the SPC system determine the manner in which the programmed zone types function.
Zone attribute | Description |
Access | When the ‘Access’ attribute on a zone is set, then on opening that zone, an alarm will not be generated if either the entry or exit timer is running. When the system is full set the Access attribute is not active and opening the zone will initiate a full alarm. The ‘Access’ attribute is most often used for PIR sensors located close to an entry/exit zone. It allows the user free movement within the access area while the entry or exit timer is counting down.
The ‘Access’ attribute is only valid for Alarm zone types. All connected devices (Bells - Internal and External, Buzzers, Strobe) are activated. Note: An alarm zone with Access attribute can automatically be changed to an entry/exit zone in Partset mode if the Partset Access Option is set. |
Exclude A | If the ‘Exclude A’ attribute on a zone is set, then an alarm will not be generated by that zone opening while the panel is in the Partset A mode. The ‘Exclude A’ attribute is valid for Alarm zone type and Entry/Exit zones only.
A FULL alarm is generated if a zone with the EXCLUDE A attribute is opened while the system is in FULLSET or PARTSET B Mode (Bells - Internal and External, Strobe). |
Exclude B | When the ‘Exclude B’ attribute is set, the zone opening will not generate an alarm while the panel is in the Partset B mode. The ‘Exclude B’ attribute is valid for Alarm zone type and E/Exit zones only.
A FULL alarm is generated if a zone with the EXCLUDE B attribute is opened while the system is in FULLSET or PARTSET A Mode (Bells - Internal and External, Strobe). |
24 Hour | If a Zone is assigned the ‘24 Hour’ attribute, then it is active at all times and will cause a full alarm if opened in any mode. This attribute can only be assigned to the ALARM zone type. Generates a FULL Alarm in UNSET, SET and PARTSET modes.
Note: The 24 Hour attribute overrides the settings of any of the other attributes for a particular alarm zone. |
Local | When the ‘Local’ attribute is set, an alarm generated by a zone opening will not result in the external reporting of the event. The ‘Local’ attribute is valid for Alarm, E/Exit, Fire, Fire Exit and Medic zone types. |
Unset Local | When this attribute is set, an alarm generated by the zone opening when the area is fullset or partset will be reported in the usual way. However, if the area is unset there will be only a local alarm i.e keypad buzzer, LED flash and zone display. This attribute is only applicable to Alarm, Fire and Seismic zones. |
Double Knock | Use this attribute to deal with troublesome detectors (for example, some detectors may generate activation signals spuriously, thereby inadvertently trigger alarms on the system).
If the same double knock zone activates twice during the double knock period, then an alarm is generated. Double knock time is set in seconds (see Timers). Two open actions within that time period will generate an alarm. All open double knock zones are logged when the system is armed. |
Chime | When the ‘Chime’ attribute is set for a zone, any opening of the zone during the Unset mode will cause the internal buzzers to activate for a short period (2 seconds approx.).
The Chime attribute is valid for Alarm, Entry/Exit, and Tech. zones types. |
Inhibit | When the ‘Inhibit’ attribute is set, a user may inhibit this zone. The inhibit operation will disable that fault or zone for one setting period only. |
Normal Open | When the ‘Normal Open’ attribute is set, the system expects that a connected detector/sensor is a Normally Open device (for example, a sensor is deemed to be activated whenever the contacts are closed on the device ). |
Silent | If the ‘Silent’ attribute is set then there will be no audio or visual indications of the Alarm. The alarm activation will be sent to the Receiver station. If the system is unset then a warning message is shown on the display. |
Log | If this attribute is set then all zone state changes are logged. |
Exit Open | If set then zone will be indicated if open during setting. |
Frequent | This attribute only applies to remote services*. If this attribute is set for a zone, the zone must open for remote service purposes within the defined frequent time period. |
End of Line | The End Of Line (EOL) attribute provides a number of input zone wiring configurations on the system. |
Analysed | The Analysed Attribute must be set for a zone if that zone is wired with an inertia sensor. The Pulse count and Gross attack values should be programmed for each inertia sensor on the system in accordance with the results of a simple calibration of the device. |
Pulse Count | Pulse count trigger level for analysed inertia sensors. |
Gross Attack | Gross attack trigger level for analysed inertia sensors |
Final Exit | The Final Exit attribute can only be assigned to an Entry/Exit Zone type. Use this attribute to override the standard process of counting down the exit timer whenever the system is full set. When all other entry/exit routes in the premises are closed, fullset the system and close the final exit/entry zone. As soon as the door is closed the Final Exit time will count down to setting the system. |
Shunt | A zone with the shunt attribute set will be inhibited whenever a shunt type zone is opened. This provides a mechanism to group the inhibition of zones with the opening of the shunt zone type. |
Report Only | This attribute only applies to the FIRE zone type. If this attribute is set, then activation of the fire zone will only report the activation to the central station. No alarms will be generated on site. |
Open Only | This attribute only applies to the KEYARM zone type. If set then the setting state of the building will toggle on openings only. |
Fullset Enable | This attribute only applies to the KEYARM zone type. If this attribute is set then zone activation will Fullset the system/area. Apply this attribute if it is intended that the user should only have the ability to FULLSET the system from a keyarm zone. |
Unset Enable | This attribute only applies to the KEYARM zone type. If set then zone activation will Unset the system/area. Apply this attribute if it is intended that the user should only have the ability to UNSET the system from a keyarm zone. |
Tech Zone Report | Allows a zone when opened, regardless of the mode to send an alarm to the ARC in FF, CID, SIA and SIA extended. When areas are selected, the alarm will only be sent to the ARC to which the area has been assigned to. This would be a “UA” Unknown Alarm followed by the zone number and text if SIA extended is selected. It will also send an SMS to the end user and engineer if select to do so when the unconfirmed alarm filter is selected. |
Tech Zone Display | Allows an opening zone to be displayed on the system keypad. The alert led should also activate. When areas are selected it will only be displayed on the keypad which is assigned to the area in which the zone has been selected. The alert may only be displayed on the keypad when the area is in the unset mode and not in the Part A, Part B and set mode. |
Tech Zone Audible | Allows an activated zone to operate the buzzer. This will operate the same as the Tech Zone Display in the different setting modes and on systems with areas. |
Tech Zone Delay | Allows the zone to have a programmable delay. The delay is variable from 0 to 9999 seconds and will apply to all Tech Zones. The operation is the same as the Mains Delay timer, if the zone is closed within the delay time, then no alarm is sent to the ARC, no SMS is sent to the user and the Technical Output will not trip.
Note: The Technical Output will not trip until the delay timer has expired. |
Armed report only | Openings are reported only in armed mode. |
Fire pre-alarm | If enabled and a fire alarm occurs, a Fire Pre-alarm timer is started and internal bells and buzzers are activated. (See Timers.) If the alarm is not cancelled within the timer duration, a fire alarm is confirmed, internal and external bells are triggered and an event is sent to ARC. |
Fire Recognition | If enabled, a Fire Recognition timer is activated which adds extra time to the Fire Pre-alarm timer duration until a file alarm is reported for the zone. See Timers. |
Seismic Test/Automatic Sensor Test | A Seismic zone type may be tested manually or automatically. This attribute allows automatic testing to be enabled. See Timers for details of how to configure the timer that determines how often the panel tests any seismic zones that have this attribute set. The default value for the timer is 7 days. |
Timed | The ‘Timed’ attribute is used for Key Arm zones to delay the setting of an area. The delay follows the exit timer for the area to which the key arm is associated. |
Verification | Select the configured verification zone to assign to this zone to trigger audio/video verification. |
Force Set | If enabled, the keyarm device can set the system, automatically inhibiting all open zones. |

SPC allows each input to be configured with individual resistor values,
- none
- 1K
- 2K2
- 4K7
- 1K0 1K0
- 2K2 2K2
- 4K7 2k2
- 1K 1K 2K2 (PIR)
- 6K8 4K7
- 4K7 4K7
- 3K 3K
- 3K3 3K3
- 5K6 5K6
- 2K7 8K2
- 3K9 8K2
- 1K 470 Ohms
- 1K 1K 11K
- 4K7 4K7 2K2
- 1K5
- 10K
- 12K
- 2K2 4K7
- 1K5 2K2
- 1K5 2K2
- 1K 2K2
- 2K2 10K
- 10K 10K