Initsys designs and builds unique software using modern techniques and methods. With the experience of nearly all forms of transmission of sensor data our platform is robust and feature rich. All software is the company's original work and our programmers pride themselves on reliability and clarity of the code they produce. We are primarily based in the United Kingdom and have offices in the USA and Lithuania. We can support projects worldwide. Our market is primarily large scale integration projects with an emphasis on high risk and where absolute security is required. We have completed projects successfully in most sectors, including city, retail, finance, military and transportation. An increasing number of commercial control rooms are switching to our platform because of its ability to process huge numbers of events whilst filtering out much of the day to day noise created by badly performing detection equipment. It is this artificial intelligence that makes our system truly unique in this field, false positives often mask a real event, something it is almost impossible for control room operators to identify without statistical help.